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Tic Tac Toe

Tic Tac Toe is probably a game you are familiar with. Isn't this game really straightforward? The majority of people believe that. Tic-Tac-Toe is more difficult than you might think, though, if you give it your all.

The object of the two-player game tic tac toe is to alternately mark the appropriate spaces on a 3x3 (or larger) grid. The game is won by the first player to align their three points in a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal line.

How to play

Ruler for Tic Tac Toe

  1. The game is played on a large square divided into 9 small squares.
  2. You are X, and your friend, or computer, is O. Each player has a turn to tick one of the empty boxes.
  3. The winner is the first to score three points in a row (up, down, horizontal or diagonal).
  4. The game ends when all 9 squares are full. The game ends in a draw if no one scores three points in a row.


  • On the computer use the mouse to play.
  • On the phone touch the screen to play.

Kickstart your brain now by completing the XOXO challenge in the tic tac toe game. Play the game now

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