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Paper Block 2048

The well-known game 2048 served as inspiration for Paper Block 2048, a puzzle game. You need to move and merge the number blocks, when two numbers with the same value touch each other, they will merge into one and have their value double. You win when you create a block with the number 2048.
There are three modes for you to choose from:
Easy: You will play with a 4x4 grid.
Medium: You will play with a 5x5 grid.
Hard: You will play with a 6x6 grid.

How to play

The modes have the same game rules and gameplay as the original 2048 game. Move the number tiles. When two cells with equal values touch each other, they merge into a double-valued cell.
If there is no space left to move the tiles, you lose.

Tips To Win

Use only two main motion axes.
Push down or to the side.
Avoid pushing number tiles to the top.
Please arrange the number boxes next to them neatly.

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